Writing a Plugin

Plugins usually add global-level functionality to Vue. There is no strictly defined scope for a plugin - there are typically several types of plugins you can write:

  1. Add some global methods or properties. e.g. vue-element

  2. Add one or more global assets: directives/filters/transitions etc. e.g. vue-touch

  3. Add some Vue instance methods by attaching them to Vue.prototype.

  4. A library that provides an API of its own, while at the same time injecting some combination of the above. e.g. vue-router

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A Vue.js plugin should expose an install method. The method will be called with the Vue constructor as the first argument, along with possible options:

Using a Plugin

Use plugins by calling the Vue.use() global method:

You can optionally pass in some options:


Some plugins such as vue-router automatically calls Vue.use() if Vue is available as a global variable. However in a module environment you always need to call Vue.use() explicitly:

Existing Plugins & Tools

  • vue-router: The official router for Vue.js. Deeply integrated with Vue.js core to make building Single Page Applications a breeze.

  • vue-resource: A plugin that provides services for making web requests and handle responses using a XMLHttpRequest or JSONP.

  • vue-async-data: Async data loading plugin.

  • vue-validator: A plugin for form validations.

  • vue-devtools: A Chrome devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.

  • vue-touch: Add touch-gesture directives using Hammer.js.

  • vue-element: Register Custom Elements with Vue.js.

  • vue-animated-list: A plugin for easily animating v-for rendered lists.

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