Google Chrome 2015 free download - Google Chrome (64-bit), Google Chrome Portable, Google Chrome Canary, and many more programs. When Chrome 21 was released, the developers encouraged the users to try out several 'toys' based upon the getUserMedia API technology. One of these 'experiences', as Google call them, allowed you to live-view the drawing of your portrait on the sand done by a robot in the Science Museum in London. Google Chrome Description. Google Chrome is the lightweight, fast, secure, free web browser from Google with a whole host of features such as the incognito browsing feature so tha.


Users of Chrome version 21 are unable to make SSL connections to destinations. When attempting to connect to an SSL-enabled destination, the browser either issues a 'This is probably not the site you are looking for' message or produces an error page with the message 'Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.' This is due to a new http transport protocol currently being tested by Google.

Google Chrome Old Version 21

More information on SPDY:


Resolution for Windows

  1. Confirm that the process 'chrome.exe' is not running in the Task Manager and that all Chrome windows are closed.
  2. Open the shortcuts properties.
  3. In the Target field, add '--use-spdy=off --use-system-ssl' to the end.
  4. Click Apply.

Chrome Version 21

Resolution for MAC

  • Open the terminal Applications > Utilities folder
  • Type into terminal to change to Chrome’s Directory using
    • cd /Applications/Google
  • Rename Google Chrome to Chrome in the terminal:
    • mv Google Chrome Chrome
  • Copy the following 3 lines for the contents of our execution script:
    • #!/bin/sh
    • # This will execute your Google Chrome with SPDY disabled, and set it to use your System SSL
    • /Applications/Google --use-spdy=off --use-system-ssl
  • Type the following into the Terminal to make a file from what was just copied:
    • pbpaste > Google Chrome
  • Type the following into the terminal to it so our new Google Chrome can run:
    • chmod +x Google Chrome
  • Close Google Chrome using the Apple menu, or Command-Q:
  • Restart Google Chrome

Chrome Version 21.0-24.9

owner: dlorenzen

Google Chrome Version 21

Comment #7 on issue 4363 by Unstability in chrome
version 21
The error message I get is:
Test method SampleTest threw exception:
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException: No response from server for url
Stack Trace:
OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.HttpCommandExecutor.Execute(Command commandToExecute)
driverCommandToExecute, Dictionary`2 parameters)
OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteTargetLocator.Window(String windowName)
Test.Framework.Drivers.SeleniumDriver.Click(Control control) in
D:svnSampleTestFrameworkDriversSeleniumDriver.cs: line 204
Scentsy.Test.Framework.Utilities.Site.LogIn(SiteType site, String
accountNumber) in D:svnSampleTestFrameworkUtilitiesSite.cs: line 41
SampleTest() in D:svnSampleTestTestOfficeSample.cs: line 31
I can't get you the test case I used because it is all internal. I will try
and replicate it in some other way..