Install Google Chrome with YUM on Fedora 15/14, CentOS/Red Hat (RHEL) 6 This howto explains howto install Google Chrome Web browser on Fedora 15, Fedora 14, Fedora 13, Fedora 12, CentOS 6 and Red. Hi I am trying to install Google Chrome from Software of Fedora. But it says ‘Unable to install Google Chrome: Cannot download google-chrome-stable-74.0.3729.131-1.x86-64.rpm: All mirrors were tried; Last error: Status c&hellip.

First thing is good to make clear the difference between Chromium and Google Chrome. Chromium is the open-source project behind Google Chrome. Biggest difference between Chromium and Google Chrome is that the Chromium is development version and Google Chrome is tested version of Chromium. A more detailed clarification differences between Chromium and Google Chrome can be found here.

Earlier I write guide, howto install Google Chrome (Stable, Beta or Unstable) on Fedora using YUM. And this is guide, howto Install Chromium on Fedora 16, Fedora 15, Fedora 14 and Fedora 13 using YUM.

Install Chromium with YUM on Fedora

1. Change root user

2. Enable Fedora Chromium YUM repository

Use following commands to get /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-chromium-stable.repo file:

Note: If you have installed Chromium before and get following error with Chromium repo:

Then remove old repo and get new repo:

3. Install Chromium Browser with YUM


Start Chromium browser

From command line:

Or simply use launcher from menu.

Chromium on Fedora screenshots

Chromium running on Fedora 15

Chromium running on Fedora 13

After installing Google Chrome in Fedora 16 / 15 / 14. Chrome Browser failed to start and no window appears when you click on the chrome icon.




Error on starting the Google chrome in terminal. See the error below.

Fedora 32 Chrome

/opt/google/chrome/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

Google chrome fedora 150


SELinux stops Google Chrome from executing.

Check the screen shot below.

To Solve this Error

Google Chrome Fedora 31

Run the following commands one by one and type the password for the user, when prompted.

First run the above command then the below one.

Install Chrome Fedora

Hope this will be helpful for you!!!