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  1. Google Drive Get Hard English Grammar
  2. Google Drive English Movies
  3. Google Drive English

It's hard to have too much storage, and cloud storage is particularly handy. Microsoft may have cut the amount of space OneDrive users have access to, but Google is giving you a way to gain 1TB of Google Drive space for free.

There is, of course, a slight catch. While the storage space is free, you will have to work for it. It's all part of a big push of Google's Local Guides program. Make contributions to Google Maps in the form of uploading photos, writing reviews, and correcting mistakes and you'll be rewarded in a number of ways.

Google has turned the program into something of a game, but it will take some time before you earn the free storage space. Update to the latest version of Google Maps on your phone, and you'll notice that there is a new Contributions option. Here you find out how you can earn points that can be used to level up and earn a variety of rewards.

On the Google Maps blog, Google reveals how the points system translates into rewards:

  • Level 1 (0 - 4 points): Enter exclusive contests (think new Google devices!) in select countries.
  • Level 2 (5 - 49 points): Get early access to new Google products and features.
  • Level 3 (50 - 199 points): Show up in the Google Maps app with your official Local Guides badge.
  • Level 4 (200 - 499 points): Receive a free 1 TB upgrade of your Drive storage, allowing you to keep all the stories, photos, and videos from your travels in one safe place.
  • Level 5 (500+ points): The very top Local Guides will become eligible to apply to attend our inaugural summit in 2016, where you’ll be able to meet other top Guides from around the world, explore the Google campus, and get the latest info about Google Maps. Look out for details early next year.

To get started, sign up for Local Guides, and download the Android or iPhone app. The video below explains how it all works.

Using Google Drive is very easy and is open to anyone with a Google account. Google’s Drive service is an extremely useful tool for cloud storage. If you don’t plan to use the online service or Google Drive mobile app, you can still make use of Google Drive on your computer.

To get the Google Drive application (also known as Google Backup and Sync) for your computer, simply navigate to from any web browser to download the software. The Google Drive download page is a smart page and will recognize what operating system (OS) you are using. As a result, the page will link you to the appropriate version supported by your computer setup.

With any of the Google Drive computer application versions, a folder is placed on your local hard drive that syncs with your Google Drive account. Inside this folder you can view the contents of your Google Drive.

Google Drive Get Hard English Grammar

The Windows Google Drive folder is located in Windows File Explorer.

To find the Mac Google Drive folder, you will need to look in Finder.

The Linux Google Drive folder will be placed in the Linux system file manager.

To use the Google Drive folder like an application:

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  • Simply drag and drop any file to the Google Drive folder to upload a copy to the cloud.
  • Remove any file or folder from the Google Drive folder to delete items from the cloud.
  • Right click, Ctrl+click, or long press items in the folder to initialize a pop-out menu and choose Google Drive → Share… to share the files in your Google Drive folder with others.

Because Google Drive is more of a folder than an actual application, the background processes and settings must be accessed through the OS notification tray.

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On Windows computers, the notification tray is located on the task bar in the bottom right corner.

If you are using a Mac, the notifications tray is in the menu bar in the top right corner.

Google Drive English Movies

On most flavors of Linux, the notifications tray is located in the menu bar (global menu) in the top right corner.

Google Drive English

Seek out the Google Drive icon (older versions) or Backup and Sync icon in your notification tray and click or tap to adjust your Google Drive sync options, preferences, and settings.