When you choose a theme or color for a conversation, the text box will be set to that color in Messenger, messenger.com, the Messenger Desktop app and messages on Facebook. Note: You can only change the theme and color of your messages from the Messenger app on your phone or from messenger.com on your computer. You can also ask the person who. Hang out anytime, anywhere - Messenger makes it easy and fun to stay close to your favorite people.

Warning: This content is for older versions of Thunderbird. Much of it may no longer be relevant. See developer.thunderbird.net for newer information.

Messenger Merge Chrome Extension
  1. Connect with your favorite people. Keep me signed in.
  2. Don't be caught using Facebook Messenger on computer in the office. Socialize privately. Hide FB Messenger behind Outlook skin. Here you should find a link to new chrome extension implementing visuals of Outlook 2016, but this time logo didn't meet Google's rules. I have changed my logo promptly, but they ignore all fixes so it is not possible to republish it yet:-( Not just my.

The file called chrome.manifest tells Thunderbird what packages and overlays are provided by the extension. Open the file called chrome.manifest that you created and add this code:

  • content specifies the type of material in the package
  • myfirstext is the name of the chrome package (specified in the first segment of <em:id> in the install.rdf file
  • content/ Is the location of the package's files and used when resolving the URI chrome://myfirstext/content/....

So, this line says that for a chrome package myfirstext, we can find its content files in the directory content/ (which is a path relative to the location of chrome.manifest).

Messenger Merge Chrome Extension

To change the Thunderbird user interface to support the extension, you create an overlay and then merge it with the default Thunderbird interface. Later in the tutorial we will create a XUL overlay file that will merge with the default messenger.xul file. At this point we are going to specify in chrome.manifest the existence of the overlay (which we will create later).

Add this line at the end of chrome.manifest:

Facebook Messenger For Chrome

This tells Thunderbird to merge myhelloworld.xul into messenger.xul when messenger.xul loads. For more information on chrome manifests and the properties they support, see the Chrome Manifest Reference.

Messenger Merge Chrome Extension Cord

Messenger Merge Chrome Extension Cords

It can be useful to install an add-on such as the DOM Inspector to better understand the layout of existing XUL files and to debug your own overlays. (not supported as of Thunderbird 60)