1. What Is Google Fast And Secure
  2. What Is Google Chrome Fast And Secure App
  3. Google Chrome Fast And Secure Sign In
  4. Is Google Drive Secure Safe

Google DNS is a fast, reliable and secures DNS server. It is fast and offers a secure web environment by offering basic security from cache poisoning, DDoS attacks, malicious websites. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. Google Chrome was built from the ground up to be a more secure Web browser, and Google and its Chromium developers should be applauded for the attention they have brought to browser security. Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, and was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android where it is the default browser built into the OS. The browser is also the main component of Chrome OS, where it serves as the platform for web applications. Google Chrome Developer(s) Google Stable release(s. It also tells Google to serve secure URLs in the search results. All this minimizes the risk of serving unsecured content to your users. To support HSTS, use a web server that supports it and enable the functionality. Although it is more secure, HSTS adds complexity to your rollback strategy. We recommend enabling HSTS this way.

After working so many years in the IT & Web Hosting market, often when some of my customers are having strange website issues, we ended up asking them to switch their local DNS servers and start using Google's Public DNS servers.

And magically sometimes the problem was a local dns resolution issue, and by switching to Google DNS they are able to resolve websites quicker than ever. On this article we will discover what are the Google DNS IP numbers, and also the main reasons on why Google Public DNS servers are the best ones for your computer.

Google DNS are Fast

Google, along with Akamai and Cloudflare are probably has the best connectivity with pops and peers around the world, it's everywhere, even in the small tiny countries in Africa, or South America. When you ping Google, you are reaching an Anycast network that has been built thinking in speed and web performance above all.

The good thing is Google is using that same anycast network for their public DNS service, which makes their DNS servers the fastest in the world. You can send as many requests as you want, their dns server will answer always faster than any other letting you resolve and then browse the website from the closes server available to you.

Their public dns servers are also known to have very low latency against any kind of DNS queries, this means it will really speed up the dns resolving when you are waiting for the initial answer.

Google Public DNS are Secure

DNS servers are often target of large DOS and DDOS attacks who cause lot of issues around the world. Luckly, Google public DNS servers are way more secure than any local dns servers, they are constantly monitored and protected against common DNS attacks by using the best server protection and technologies like DNSSec, which always ensures the dns queries will be answered from a valid and legal google dns server.

Accurate DNS answers

When you use 3rd party or local dns servers, the dns resolution and answering is not always the best, sometimes the information is not accurate or it takes too long to answer against your query.

How can I use Google Public DNS servers?

If you haven't decided yet to use Google's Public DNS, then the only way we can convince you is by testing them. Google's Public DNS can be configured on any computer and operating system.

In order to add Google DNS you will have to gain administrative (system administration full privileges) access to your computer, this is often the 'administrator' mode on Windows operating systems, and root on Unix and Linux like systems.

This is what you need:

Google Public DNS IPv4 addresses:

Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses:

This doesn't happen if you use Google's resolvers, as their network is always answering the right answer to each dns query is made against them. And in case you are requesting something that doesn't exist, it will show you a NXDOMAIN error, which means there is no answer to the requested dns query.

Configure Google DNS on Windows

Changing DNS server settings on Windows is easy, you can do it by following the next steps:

  1. Click on 'Start' button'.
  2. Click on 'Control Panel'.
  3. Click on 'Network and Sharing Center'.
  4. Click on 'Change adapter settings'.

Select your Internet connection, for example Ethernet:

  1. Click on your Ethernet connection.
  2. Right click on 'Local Area Connection'.
  3. Click on 'Properties'.
  4. Click on 'DNS' tab, you will see some dns server IP addresses listed.
  5. Remove them, and add your new Google public DNS servers:
    • IPv4 addresses: and/or
    • IPv6 addresses: 2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844.

Set Google Public DNS on Unix and Linux

Unix and Linux often use one single file to set the DNS resolvers, and this is the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Edit the file by typing:

Remove/delete all the existing lines and add this two:


That's all, now you know why Google's Public DNS are one of the best thing to improve browsing speed and security when you are surfing the network from your local office or home.

Google has announced that it will be encrypting keyword data within the referrer URL from secure search, the upshot of which is you will no longer be able to see all the keywords which drove traffic to your site. Many SEOs have been complaining about the loss of this crucial data. So what is Google Secure Search and why is it so important?

Google have a secure search service hosted on their https search page. This uses SSL encryption to stop electronic snooping on users search habits via unsecured wifi. This encrypted search now does not pass the search term in the referrer URL from anyone searching on Google when signed in.

This is important because your web analytics software (such as Google Analytics) uses the referrer URL to know what the search term was that someone used in Google to find your page. In SEO this metric is widely used and represents the start of the journey for the user on your site. With this information, you can see which search terms drive the most traffic and conversions. It is key to your SEO planning: you’ll want to target keywords that bring conversions.

So what’s the fuss about?

A growing amount of the organic search data in your analytics will be placed into a category called “(not provided)”. This is the secure data which has no keyword data in the referral string.

What Is Google Fast And Secure

The move to secure search has not affected paid search data. Google is still passing referring keywords for PPC ads, so you can see which search terms drove your paid traffic.

Some search marketers feel that Google is being disingenuous about its reasons for making this change. They cite the exclusion of paid terms as evidence. If secure search were to be an effective privacy measure it would need to include paid search results as well as organic searches.

The number of site visits that are included in the ‘not provided’ category has been increasing quickly since secure search was launched. And this trend is likely to continue. Google is expanding its services and requires users to sign in. This means that it’s increasingly likely that the user will be signed in when they perform a search. For example, Google+ is part of this network and Google is trying to get as many of us using it as possible. This is going to mean more people signed in and less data in your analytics.

This is what the traffic to the Wordtracker site looks like in that “(not provided)” column:

In the past week more than 3% of visits were in the ‘not provided’ category (I’ve removed the exact numbers), but the trend is increasing - and alarming.

What Is Google Chrome Fast And Secure App

So what can you do?

Google Chrome Fast And Secure Sign In

Unfortunately Google holds the cards on this one. It’s not just Google Analytics that suffers from this problem. In time, other providers may produce custom solutions, but these are likely to be expensive and may require you to change your analytics software.

That said, there are some steps you can take.

You can still get your top 1,000 search terms from Webmaster Tools, but it misses out much of the data below that top 1,000 cut off. (I would guess from this that Google has the ability to assign the keyword to a secure search but they are choosing not to.)

There is a petition in protest over at Keyword Transparency which aims to collect signatures and lobby Google to change its process.

Is Google Drive Secure Safe

If your company has a Google rep, you can voice your concerns directly. Find out what the alternatives are and what actions the rep recommends. Please let us know below.

We’d also love to hear about your experience with secure search, if you’re seeing that ‘not provided’ data figure grow in your analytics, and we'd love to know which sites have been worst affected.