Google Chrome 87.0.4280.88 Offline Installer - Google Chrome adalah browser yang menggabungkan desain minimal dengan teknologi canggih untuk membuat Web lebih cepat, lebih aman, dan lebih mudah. Selain itu kita juga dapat memodifikasi browser Google Chrome kita dengan memasang ekstensi, tema, dan aplikasi web. Google Chrome telah resmi merilis versi terbaru yaitu Google Chrome 87.0.4280.88. Google Chrome (64-bit) 2021 full offline installer setup for PC Google Chrome 64-bit is a web browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the Web faster, safer, and easier. To download the Chrome offline installer, visit this page at Google’s support website and select your desired version of Chrome. Like the online installer, Google will attempt to automatically detect the version of the operating system you’re running and offer you the corresponding version of Chrome.

Chrome Canary is a frequently-updated experimental build of Google's flagship browser, that gets the latest changes before any other version.

Sounds good? Well, maybe, but there are problems. In particular, Canary's rapid updates come at the expense of manual testing, and so you may be trying out some new tweak that no human being has ever checked to confirm that it works. Sometimes this may work well, but even Google describe Canary as 'a highly unstable browser that will often break completely', so there are clearly no guarantees.

Still, you can install Canary to run alongside the regular version of Chrome, so there's no need to choose between the two. You can easily run Canary for general, ad-hoc browsing, turning to Chrome when you need to carry out important tasks, like online banking, or if Canary just seems too unreliable.

There's no need to worry about manual updates, either, as Canary will automatically update itself daily (well, more or less). And so if you're a Chrome fan, or would just like to see where the browser is going next, then the program could well be worth a look.

Note that this build is designed specifically for Windows 64-bit PCs.

Download Chrome 64 Bit Standalone Installer

Google chrome free download 64 bitDownload Chrome 64 Bit Standalone

Use with caution.


Chrome Setup Download 64 Bit

An interesting, if sometimes very unreliable look at upcoming Google Chrome technology